At Rose Canyon Animal Hospital we take pride in providing high quality dental services.
Dogs and cats, young and old, can have serious dental disease with very little to no symptoms or signs.
Bad breath alone can be a sign of infection or serious disease. We recommend an exam for your pet annually which includes an oral exam to evaluate for any broken teeth, gum disease, infections, etc., but especially if you notice that your pet has bad breath, red gums, excessive drooling, difficulty chewing, or any other concerns.

Dental cleanings at our hospital are so much more than just removing tartar from teeth. Our goal is to restore your pet’s mouth to its normal, fresh, healthy state. Having your pet’s teeth professionally cleaned under anesthesia may be the single most important medical treatment you can give that will result in long-term health.
Studies show periodontal disease results in significant injury to a dog or cat’s liver, kidneys, and heart. At Rose Canyon Animal Hospital– we are serious about keeping your pet’s teeth as healthy as possible.
We use state-of-the-art digital radiographs to fully evaluate your pet’s dental health and fast, ultrasonic scalers to thoroughly clean and polish the teeth while reducing anesthesia time.
Just like a visit to your dentist, x-rays help the doctor’s diagnosis if there are problems hidden beneath the gum-line. As much as 60% of dental disease can ONLY be seen on x-ray, such as: abscesses, bone loss, and resorptive lesions (similar to cavities.) X-rays also assist in helping the doctor determine if a tooth needs to be extracted, evaluating extraction sites and bone quality in cases of fractured or infect teeth, discolored teeth, loose or missing teeth, teeth with periodontal pockets, areas of swelling, to name a few! None of this could be accomplished by visualization alone.
Dentistry is a vital part of your pet’s heath care. Please do not hesitate to ask us questions!

🠔tooth root abscess on digital x-ray
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